The fourth installment of Capcom’s pivotal “Survival Horror” series continues with this fully-3D installment. The title takes place in 2004 some six years after the events that transpired in Resident Evil 2. The government has destroyed the Umbrella Corporation, which has been behind just about every plot and disgusting bio-chemical mutation in the survival horror series. Now-US agent Leon Kennedy (of Resident Evil 2 fame) has been dispatched to Europe to save the President’s daughter from “crazed organizations.”
Genre: Third-Person Action Adventure
Publisher/Co-Publisher: Ubisoft / Capcom Developer: Capcom Production Studio 4 Minimum System Requirements: * OS: Windows® 2000/XP (only)
* CPU:1 GHz Pentium® III or AMD Athlon * RAM: 256 MB * HDD: 7000 MB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compliant AGP or PCI Express graphics card
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c
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Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.6 GHz or equivalent Memory: 256 MB RAM (512 GB For Vista/7) Video Card: 64 MB VRAM with Pixel Shader 2.0 Hard Disk Space: 500 MB free space DirectX: 8.0c
In the world’s darkest hour you are a commander of the Soviet Red Army, entrenched in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the Enemy invaders.
It is 1941 and the beginning of what will become the bloodiest conflict of World War II resulting in more than 14 million military casualties.
Witness the struggles of the Red Army from near defeat through their incredible triumph over Germany in the most challenging and costly theater of the war, the Eastern Front.
Your military tactics hold the power to tip the very balance of this conflict. Engage in tactical combat that will define you as a military leader and wield the might of the Soviet Empire as you smash your way to Berlin.
The Motherland is Calling!
Digital Collector’s Edition
The Digital Collector’s Edition includes the following:
Vehicle Skin Combo Pack:
24 Vehicle Skins
Exclusive Collector Faceplate:
Collector’s Edition Faceplate with Integrated Badge
Commander Archetypes:
Soviet Commanders
Anti-Infantry Tactics
Conscript Support Tactics
Terror Tactics
German Commanders
Joint Operations Doctrine
Spearhead Doctrine
Commander Pass:
Access to Five Commander Archetype’s Available Post-Launch
Theater of War Mini Pack:
Post Launch Content Bundle
Company of Heroes Complete Pack:
The Award Winning Game Collection that Started it All
Key Features
Award Winning Franchise – Sequel to the highest rated strategy game of all time returns with an innovative warfare experience that will redefine the Strategy genre once more
Essence 3.0 Engine – Cutting-edge technology that increases the graphical quality and accuracy of deadly combat with the unprecedented TrueSight™ system and ultra realistic ColdTech™ dynamic weather that changes strategic warfare forever
Blood and Snow – Take command of the iconic Red Army on the Eastern Front and repel the Enemy invaders in this Battle of the Ideologies
Tactical Warfare – Develop and utilize your new Commander Abilities and experience the up-close moment-to-moment brutality of frontline warfare through new Dynamic Battle Tactics
Intense Online Combat – Featuring the great competitive and co-operative multiplayer that fans have grown to expect from this high-quality and critically acclaimed franchise
Download PC Game Angry Birds Anthology 2012 Full PC Download Free
Excellent arcade game in which you must help the birds away back eggs stolen by evil pigs. Attack the pig with its battle birds, destroying their fortifications. Each level is unique and requires its own
New adventures Angry Birds came out on PC! soak up the spirit of Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and other holidays
A product of partnership Rovio and 20th Century Fox. The game takes place in the magical city of Rio, where, after the abduction, have been delivered, loved by many,evil birds. They eventually go away from the kidnappers and sent to rescue his friends, Blu and Jewel - rare parrots and heroes
Includes 60 levels for interstellar planets and in zero gravity, which provides exciting gameplay - from leisurely to the fast-paced action puzzle. It is the whole galaxy, which you will explore!. After a giant paw stole eggs Angry Birds, they follow it through the tunnel in space and find themselves floating in the mysterious galaxy surrounded by space hog! .Fortunately, Angry Birds have their
Start Angry Birds Star Wars classic: a long time ago, in a far, far galaxy. a group of birds, the rebels faced a galactic threat: the evil imperial. Dealing a blow to the secret base, bird Rebels won their first victory over the evil imperial pigs. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire super-weapon, and they race to deliver plans birds-rebels. Right now
Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP SP2/ Vista/ 7
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 1.3 compatible
Hard Disk: 450 MB Free Space for full installation
Internet Connection required for activation
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